When we decided to open a private practice clinic that included physical therapy, chiropractic, nutrition, and massage services we spent many hours discussing and putting together our concept. We [...]
In the early 1990s, a Japanese physician named Dr. Izumi Tabata first pioneered interval training, also referred to as Tabata training, as a way of increasing endurance and burning fat. [...]
If you have ever had plantar fasciitis it is not something you will quickly forget. Plantar fasciitis can be very painful and debilitating. The pain typically is there the moment your foot hits [...]
If you were reading your favorite newspaper in the late 19th or early 20th century, you would have seen many advertisements that were very similar to the ones we see today. You may have seen an [...]
Golf is an interesting sport. It is full of allure and it can be kind of addicting (like fishing) where one good shot brings us back to the course over and over. Not to mention it is a game of [...]
The summer is a great time to get active and start feeling better. If you have been less than active throughout the winter, however, sometimes it is hard to know where to start. Some exercises [...]
Our health-care system is at a tipping point on multiple levels and the next few years will not only shape our nation, we will determine how health care will be delivered in this country. [...]
When we look around these days, it is easy to feel like everything is moving in the wrong direction. Politicians are corrupt, the news is getting harder to trust, and existential threats – from [...]
Part I of elbow injuries in throwers discussed Little League Elbow. A potentially serious injury in adolescent throwers. Part II will focus on the Major League Baseball pitcher and the seeming [...]
There is an old adage shared between poker players that quips that if you are sitting around a poker table, and you can’t spot the sucker, then you are the sucker. There is an updated version of [...]